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PVC Insulated and Sheathed Fire-resistant Cable

PVC Insulated and Sheathed Fire-resistant Cable


1. Application & Performance

    0.6/1KV PVC insulated and sheathed fire-resistant power cable is designed and produced according to GB/T 12706-2008 (equivalent to IEC 60502). Its physical and electrical performances are the same as common plastic power cables. Its fire-resistant performance complies with GB 12666-90 (equivalent to IEC 331). Therefore, this product not only can work under normal conditions, but also can work for a certain period on fire, which means the cable can keep working in fire of 750~800℃ for over 90 minutes. Adopting this product enables some facilities, such as high buildings, subways, power plants, etc. have the ability of fire control.

2. Code and Description
Code Description
NH-VV PVC insulated & shealded fire-resistant power cable
NH-VV22 PVC insulated steel tape armored and PVC sheathed fire-resistant power cable

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